Source code for algorecell_types

This module implements generic types for representing predictions for
the control of attractors in Boolean and multivalued networks, with
various visualizations.

It accounts for instantaneous, temporary, and permanent perturbations, as well
as sequential reprogramming strategies.

Typically, a method computing reprogramming strategies returns an object of
class :py:class:`.ReprogrammingStrategies`, from which can be extracted and
visualized the set of identified strategies.

Exemples of projects using the ``algorecell_types`` module:

* `ActoNet <>`_
* `CABEAN-python <>`_
* `Caspo-control <>`_
* `StableMotifs-python <>`_


import pandas as pd
import pydot

from colomoto_jupyter import IN_IPYTHON
    from IPython.display import display

[docs]class _SymbolicType(object): """ Abstract class of a symbolic type with list of arguments. Implements a generic `repr` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args
def repr_args(self): return ", ".join(map(repr, self.args)) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): if cycle: p.text("...") return with, "{}(".format(self.__class__.__name__), ")"): for i, a in enumerate(self.args): if i: p.text(", ") p.pretty(a)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.repr_args())
[docs]class _Perturbation(_SymbolicType): """ Abstract class for representing a perturbation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, partial_state): """ :param dict[str,int] partial_state: effect of the perturbation, which assigns states to components """ super().__init__(partial_state)
def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text("{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.repr_args())) def repr_args(self, sep=", "): return sep.join(["{}={}".format(k,v) \ for k,v in sorted(self.args[0].items())])
[docs] def get_edge_label(self, compact=True): """ label to use for the perturbation edge in the graph representation :param bool compact: `True` requests a short label """ if compact: return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__[0], len(self.args[0])) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__[0], self.repr_args())
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def __eq__(self, p2): return repr(self) == repr(p2)
[docs]class PermanentPerturbation(_Perturbation): """ A permanent perturbation locks the specified components forever (mutation). Example: >>> p = PermanentPerturbation({"a": 1, "b": 0}) """ pass
[docs]class TemporaryPerturbation(_Perturbation): """ A temporary perturbation locks the specified components until having reached an attractor, or until a :py:class:`.ReleasePerturbation`. Example: >>> p = TemporaryPerturbation({"a": 1, "b": 0}) """ pass
[docs]class ReleasePerturbation(_Perturbation): """ A release perturbation unlocks given components subject to a prior :py:class:`.TemporaryPerturbation`. Example: >>> p = ReleasePerturbation({"a","b"}) """ pass
[docs]class InstantaneousPerturbation(_Perturbation): """ An instantaneous perturbation modifies the states of the components and is immediatly released. Example: >>> p = InstantaneousPerturbation({"a": 1, "b": 0}) """ pass
[docs]class _Strategy(_SymbolicType): iarg_from = None def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.breakable(sep="") super()._repr_pretty_(p, cycle) def fill_graph(self, g, target, compact): start = self.make_start_node() if not g.get_node(start.get_name()): g.add_node(start) p = self.perturbation() s = if s: target = s.fill_graph(g, target, compact) edge = pydot.Edge(start, target, label=p.get_edge_label(compact)) edge.set_fontsize(10) edge.set_labeltooltip(repr(p)) g.add_edge(edge) return start
[docs] def perturbation_sequence(self): """ Returns the sequence of perturbations encoded by the strategy :rtype: tuple of :py:class:`._Perturbation` objects """ ps = (self.perturbation(),) s = if s: ps = ps + s.perturbation_sequence() return ps
[docs]class FromAny(_Strategy): """ Reprogramming strategy that can be applied in any state of the network """
[docs] def __init__(self, perturbation, *seq): """ :param ._Perturbation perturbation: perturbation object :keyword ._Strategy seq: optional the next strategy to apply (sequential reprogramming) """ assert len(seq) <= 1 super().__init__(perturbation, *seq)
def make_start_node(self): n = pydot.Node("any", label="") n.set_tooltip(self.__class__.__name__[4:]) n.set_shape("circle") n.set_style("dotted") return n def perturbation(self): return self.args[0] def next(self): if len(self.args) > 1: return self.args[1]
[docs]class FromState(_Strategy): """ Reprograming strategy that should be applied in the specified state """ alias_template = 's{}'
[docs] def __init__(self, state, perturbation, *seq): """ :param str state: alias of the state :param ._Perturbation perturbation: perturbation object :keyword ._Strategy seq: optional the next strategy to apply (sequential reprogramming) """ assert len(seq) <= 1 super().__init__(state, perturbation, *seq)
def key(self): return self.args[0] def replace_key(self, key): self.args[0] = key def make_start_node(self): n = pydot.Node(self.args[0]) n.set_tooltip(self.__class__.__name__[4:]) return n def perturbation(self): return self.args[1] def next(self): if len(self.args) > 2: return self.args[2]
[docs]class FromCondition(FromState): """ Reprogramming strategy that should be applied only with the given condition """ alias_template = 'c{}'
[docs]class FromSteadyState(FromState): """ Reprogramming strategy that should be applied in the given steady state (fixed point). """ alias_template = 'a{}' def make_start_node(self): n = super().make_start_node() n.set_style("filled") n.set_shape("box") return n
[docs]class FromOneInLimitCycle(FromState): """ Reprogramming strategy that should be applied in one state of the given cyclic attractor. """ alias_template = 'a{}' def make_start_node(self): n = super().make_start_node() n.set_style("dashed") return n
[docs]class ReprogrammingStrategies(object): """ Stores a list of reprogramming strategies and offers various visualization methods, including IPython representation. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ """ self.__d = [] self.__aliases = {} self.__autoaliases = {}
[docs] def as_graph(self, compact=False): """ Returns a directed graph representation of the strategies Edge labels indicate the type and specification of perturbations. :keyword bool compact: draw compact edge labels :rtype: `pydot.Dot <>`_ graph """ g = pydot.Dot("") g.set_rankdir("LR") target = pydot.Node("target") target.set_shape("Mdiamond") target.set_style("filled") target.set_fillcolor("palegreen") target.set_tooltip("") g.add_node(target) for a in self.__d: a[0].fill_graph(g, target, compact) return g
[docs] def as_table(self): """ Returns a `pandas.DataFrame <>`_ where each row corresponds to a reprogramming stategy, and columns indicate which nodes are perturbated, in which direction. Note that this representation hides the type of perturbation. Moreover sequential reproogramming strategies are flatten. Red cells indicate a forced activation, green cells a forced inhibtion. Yellow cells indicate a sequential reprogramming strategy in which the node is first activated and then later inhibited, or conversely. """ #TODO: support multi-valued l = set() for a in self.__d: mods = {} for p in a[0].perturbation_sequence(): for n, v in p.args[0].items(): assert v == 0 or v == 1, "Only Boolean values are supported" if n not in mods: mods[n] = set() mods[n].add(v) l.add(frozenset([(n,frozenset(vs)) for n,vs in mods.items()])) def fmt(vs): if len(vs) == 1: return str(list(vs)[0]) return '*' #set(vs) l = [dict([(n, fmt(vs)) for n, vs in mods]) for mods in sorted(l)] df = pd.DataFrame(l).fillna('') if not l: # empty return df df.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) df.sort_values(list(df.columns), inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df =[ dict(selector="th",props=[ ("border-right", "1px solid black"), ]), {"selector": "td", "props": [ ("border-right", "1px solid black"), ("min-width", "2em")]}, dict(selector="th.col_heading", props=[("writing-mode", "vertical-lr"), ("transform", "rotateZ(180deg)"), ("vertical-align", "top"), ("border-bottom", "1px solid black"), ("text-orientation", "mixed")])]) def colorize(val): if val == "0": return "color: black; background-color: lime" if val == "1": return "color: black; background-color: red" if val == "*": return "color: black; background-color: yellow" return "" df = df.applymap(colorize) return df
[docs] def perturbations(self): """ Returns the set of :py:meth:`._Strategy.perturbation_sequence` of registered reprogramming strategies. :rtype: set(tuple(._Perturbation)) """ ps = set() for a in self.__d: ps.add(a[0].perturbation_sequence()) return ps
@property def aliases(self): """ Returns a `pandas.DataFrame <>`_ listing the state aliases used by the reprogramming strategies. """ return pd.DataFrame(self.__aliases).T def autoalias(self, pattern, state): h = tuple(sorted(state.items())) reg = self.__autoaliases.get(pattern) if not reg: reg = self.__known_alias[pattern] = {} a = reg.get(h) if not a: a = pattern.format(len(reg)) reg[h] = a self.register_alias(a, state) return a
[docs] def register_alias(self, name, state): """ Register `name` as being an alias of `state`. :param str name: :param dict[str,int] state: """ self.__aliases[name] = state
[docs] def add(self, s, **props): """ Add a reprogramming strategy `s`, with optional properties `props`. """ self.__d.append((s, props))
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterator over registered strategies """ return iter(self.__d)
def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.pretty([a[0] for a in self.__d])
if IN_IPYTHON: try: ip = get_ipython() svg_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters["image/svg+xml"] svg_formatter.for_type(pydot.Dot, lambda g: g.create_svg().decode()) except: pass